The Flying H Youth Ranch is a private Christian boarding school for At-Risk* teenage Highschool boys who are struggling in school at home and in their communities.
Founded in 1962, the Ranch has served over 2,000 boys and families, emphasizing concern for helping the entire family and encouraging faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible.
We Help Young Men Grow
Our desire is to enable our students to build and re-build relationships. In addition to this we want to help them learn to overcome destructive decisions, experience accomplishment academically and physically, form moral and responsible guidelines for life, and learn discipline and obedience while learning to view themselves as unique and valuable.
* The term at-risk is often used to describe students or groups of students who are considered to have a higher probability of failing academically or dropping out of school. The term may be applied to students who face circumstances that could jeopardize their ability to complete school, such as homelessness, incarceration, teenage pregnancy, serious health issues, domestic violence, transiency, or other conditions, or it may refer to learning disabilities, low test scores, disciplinary problems, grade retentions, or other learning-related factors that could adversely affect the educational performance and attainment of some students. While educators often use the term at-risk to refer to general populations or categories of students, they may also apply the term to individual students who have raised concerns—based on specific behaviors observed over time—that indicate they are more likely to fail or drop out.