Educational Services

Hope Academy is a Washington Department of Education (OSPI) approved private school. We are accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission (using criteria established by the Cognia Global Commission) and by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

Education is an important part of the Flying H Youth Ranch experience. The Flying H will help your son get back on track (and even move ahead) in his education.

Our program includes assessments of your son’s current needs and tailors a program suited to his learning abilities. Each young man receives close adult supervision with his studies in small classes. His schooling includes computer lab work, hands-on lab work, and classroom instruction. He will have vocational learning opportunities (such as welding, construction, agricultural, etc.) as well as his general education classes. Parents will receive regular updates on their son’s educational progress. We also provide parents with access grades online using Thinkwave.

Currently our administration, staff, and Board of Directors are working diligently on earning accreditation with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).  For info concerning this please contact us.  Hope Academy is a Washington Department of Education (OSPI)  approved private school. We are accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission (using criteria established by the Cognia Global Commission) and by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

Terra Nova 
Standardized Testing:

The Flying H educational staff has recently completed the 2021 standardized testing for Flying H Hope Academy students, using the Terra Nova Standardized Test for assessment. For several boys, who have taken the test at the Flying H for two successive springs, very solid, sometimes spectacular, progress can be documented.The expected yearly growth has been present in almost every subject for all of these boys for that year’s period of time. For most of them the progress has been much more significant, with several of these achieving two or three years of progress in several subject areas during this one year period. We have also seen some scores indicating five and eight years of progress during that year in some academic areas!

This spectacular progress can best be explained by the nature of the Hope Academy program. Small class sizes, usually a maximum of 6; easy and continual access to dedicated teachers for assistance; a math program customized to meet each student’s needs and progress; required diligence in students for completing school assignments; an availability and willingness of volunteers to provide tutoring when needed; all of these contribute greatly to the success of our students.


That each resident will know Christ and seek to make Him known.


The Flying H Youth Ranch exists to teach struggling young men and their families a Biblical understanding of life, including every person’s need for salvation through Jesus Christ and the development of godly character by becoming more like Him. 

For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. – 1 Thess. 5:9

Our Method:

We will accomplish this by submitting our lives to the Lordship
of Jesus Christ thereby, becoming Spirit led servant leaders,
mentors and teachers in accordance to and in compliance with
the Holy Scriptures.

Our Core Values:

At Flying H Youth Ranch & Hope Academy, we teach our residents to:

Grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and become more like Him. (2 Pet. 3:17-18 Rom. 8:28,29) 
Overcome the world (1 Jn. 5:1-5)
Serve the body and seek the lost (Ephesians 4:11-16, Luke 19:10)
Persevere in the faith and in the face of adversity (Colossians 1:21-23, James 1:12)
Enjoy life and value hard work (1 Timothy 6:17, Ephesians 4:28)
Love Christ, their neighbors and themselves (Luke 10:27)


As we strive to attain our mission and vision, Hope Academy will develop curriculum programs and learning opportunities that will progress students toward becoming:

Spiritually Discerning and able to…

  • know and articulate the difference between Christianity and other worldviews
  • integrate biblical principles and values into life situations (study, learn, and
    apply Scripture)
  • understand God’s progressive revelation throughout time
  • embrace the worth of every individual realizing that each is created in the
    image of God and not the result of evolution
  • recognize and utilize their gifts and talents

Critical and Creative Thinkers who are able to…

  • access and assess data, including disciplines of history, mathematics, and science
  • question, analyze, solve problems, and make wise decisions
  • learn independently and collaboratively
  • investigate beyond the obvious, distinguish fact from opinion, and integrate various disciplines
  • utilize appropriate problem-solving strategies and demonstrate innovative problem-solving

Effective Communicators who are able to…

  • comprehend and retain information through listening and reading skills
  • organize and express ideas effectively through verbal and written communication
  • express themselves through the arts, athletics, or media
  • appropriately use resources, such as technology, to effectively manage, evaluate, and communicate information.

Responsible Citizens who are able to…

  • understand various viewpoints, belief systems, and cultures in today’s world
  • develop and maintain proper relationships (with peers and authorities)
  • take personal responsibility and accept consequences for life choices
  • serve and favorably impact the community in which they live demonstrate a knowledge and use of general life skills
  • live a healthy life, including appropriate nutrition and physical fitness

Download our Full Vision & Mission Statement here.